市川 健治
1988年に考案した「ピクセル・モンタージュ(Pixel Montage)」という技法を用いた作品のスタイルで、
An artist and graduate of the Graduate School of Musashino Art University. Born in 1967 in the Nagano prefecture, Ichikawa holds a Master's degree in Imaging Art.
One of his most renowned techniques is named “Pixel Montage.” Pixel Montage was created in 1988, has received many awards and has won competitions. Ichikawa has participated in art fairs and exhibitions in various cities in Japan such as Tokyo and Nagoya. He has also participated in oversea exhibitions in various cities: Shanghai, New York, Milan, Bologna, Amsterdam, Gent, Wiesbaden, Buenos Aires and Singapore.
Ichikawa started Gathering Art as “Utamarokenji” in 2009. He has also worked in a variety of other media; for example, murals, magazines, books, DVD booklets, TV and iphone/ipad apps.